Thursday, February 26, 2009

Day 10 (March 10)

Pray for the families in our church

Daily Direction

  • We are a community of people made up of families of all different shapes and sizes. Giving up on the nuclear family has become status quo in today’s culture, but we know that the Kingdom has invaded this earth and we are called to fight for families. Just like the marriages in our body we have families that are flourishing and we have families that are fighting just to stay together. God is present in our community, and he is a God who fights for the unity of families.
  • Let’s pray that the Kingdom would truly invade the homes that make our local community here at Inland. Pray for an increased level of communication between parents and their kids. We are community of families, and we are all called to unity so that we may fight for one another. So, on this last day of prayer focused on the Inland Vineyard, we are praying for our foundation; families.

Daily Devotion

  • “And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophecy, your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions.” Joel 2.28

Daily Help

  • Remember that there is a vast difference between ‘being’ and ‘doing’. Sometimes when we seek the Lord for answers on what we should do in a certain situation it seems like he isn’t answering us. But remember that God is longing or an intimate relationship with you; he wants to spend time with you. The battle is to simply ‘be’ when we live in a world that tells us our lives are defined by what we ‘do’. So, if you find yourself frustrated that God isn’t answering your questions about what to do, pause for a moment and be open to the reality that God might be more interested in showing you who you are than showing you what you are to do. Because, in the reality of who we are as image-bearers, what we ‘do’ makes no sense if we don’t know who we are. The ‘doing’ comes naturally from the ‘being’. Let the Lord show you who you are, and you’ll be amazed as you experience the anxiety in your heart turns to peace.

Day 9 (March 9)

Pray for the marriages in our church

Daily Direction
  • We are a community made up of families, and the enemy hates unified families! And at the head of a family is a marriage, and so today we are lifting up in prayer all the marriages in the church. There is a battle out for the union of a man and a woman in our culture. Statistically, half of marriages nowadays end in divorce, and ‘in the Church’ the numbers aren’t any better.
  • We are crying out as a people that God would come and bless the marriages in our church. Some of our marriages are experiencing life as never before, but still others are working through some rough waters. So, let’s gather as a community and pray that the Kingdom would come to every married couple in our church. Pray for strengthened communication, for greater intimacy, and above all else pray that each spouse would bring out the glory in the other as they themselves are brought to life by the power of the Spirit!

Daily Devotion
  • “As a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so will your God rejoice over you.” Isaiah 62.5

Daily Help
  • Start your times of prayer making declarations and thanks unto the Lord. When we declare something there is power in it. When you get hungry, declare that God is your Sustainer. When your energy is getting low, declare that God is in control and he hasn’t called you to something that He isn’t capable of carrying out. God will stir our faith by reminding of us of this faithfulness in the past. When he shows you his ‘fingerprints’ in past seasons/circumstance of your life, spend time thanking Him for it! It’s amazing the faith that rises up in us when we focus on what God has done and we enjoy the beauty of just sitting in thankfulness before the King.

Day 8 (March 8)

Pray for the finances of the church

Daily Direction

  • The year of 2008 was a year made up of many moments when we didn’t know if we would make it financially as a community. But here we are, 2009, and we are the living reality that God is faithful and there is ‘no recession in heaven’!
  • We are not ‘out of the woods’ yet, but in the last number of months we have seen an enormous turnaround in the finances here at Church. God has brought incredible people of wisdom alongside the pastoral team to make financial decisions, and to put new checks and balances in place, to really lead this church in a healthy direction financially.
  • On this day, as we pray for the financial situation of our community, we are declaring as a people that God is bigger than an economic shortage. We are not a people defined by the fear of lack of finances, but we are a people of faith, and in declaring that God is Provider we are choosing the path of faith instead of fear! Let’s pray that the storehouses of heaven would be opened, and that there would be the finances to do all the things of the Kingdom that we long to do here at the church. Our world may be trapped by the love of money, but as Christians we know that our citizenship is in heaven, and our treasures abound, and so we can be a people full of joy in a country faced with economic sorrow!

Daily Devotion

  • “Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19.26

Daily Help

  • When it gets hard, remember that you are part of something much larger than yourself. There is a mission, the Kingdom mission, that you are called to play a part in. When you feel like you want to give in, or that this is too hard, remember that you serve a God who is capable of all things! Make sure the people supporting you are there to verbally remind you of the truth of what you’re doing. It’s God that makes this possible, because this is all about His glory. Tell your support team to remind you of the truth of the Kingdom mission when you want to give up and it gets hard; we all need to be reminded at times why we are doing this. Remember, when a person surrenders themselves to the will of the Father they become more threatening to the kingdom of darkness than they have ever been!

Day 7 (March 7)

Pray for the Elder Board and the Financial Board

Daily Direction
  • There are two boards in operation here at Inland Vineyard. The Elder board plays the role of the ‘pastoral wisdom’ team; they meet with Travis regularly and advise him on pastoral issues as he leads the community here at Inland.
  • The Financial Board is a group of people that also meet with Travis regularly, but they focus on the financial matters of the church. They are the ‘financial wisdom’ team that works to make financial decisions that are in alignment with what the Lord is doing here at Inland.
  • These two boards are vital in the life of this church. They are compiled of people who have years of experience in their area of wisdom, and they are a crucial part of the decision making processes here at our church. The boards fight for integrity in every decision they make, and the enemy hates a church of integrity. And so, consequently, the board members and their families need to be covered in prayer with the same fervor that we pray for our pastors and leaders.

Daily Devotion
  • “And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4.19

Daily Help
  • Remember that fasting is all about grace. The focus is not about ‘keeping to your fast’; as if you have the strength to pull it off by yourself. Know that you are simply responding to God’s grace in your life, and he will give you the grace you need to do what he’s called you to do. A lot of what the Lord teaches us during fasting experiences is that He gives us the grace for today, and that’s all we need. Because this is about grace, and not simply sticking to a legalistic plan, be open to let the Lord guide you day by day as you venture into the beautiful unknown with Him.

Day 6 (March 6)

Pray for Ministry Leaders

Daily Direction

  • There are amazing men and women leading the ministries here at the church. In time this list is sure to grow as ministries not-yet-in-existence come forth here at the Inland. We are to be praying for the leaders of these ministries and their families in the same way that we prayed yesterday for the pastoral staff.
  • Each ministry has a person, a couple, or a team of people leading it, and so to try and list every person involved in leadership would be impossible. So we have listed the names of the ministries to be lifting up in prayer. Let’s pray that God blesses these current ministries blessing the church, but may we also pray that He rises up future ministries from within our body.
  • Paid Staff (Beth Rowland, Kirk and Linda Harris)
  • Administration ministry
  • Welcome ministry
  • Small Group Ministry
  • Worship ministry
  • Childrens ministry
  • IVY (high school) ministry
  • Midway (junior high) ministry
  • Womens ministry
  • Compassion ministry
  • Missions ministry
  • Prayer ministry
  • Pre-School ministry
  • Let’s pray that God would truly shape each ministry as he has designed them!

Daily Devotion

  • “As evening approached, the disciples came to him and said, “This is a remote place, and it’s already getting late. Send the crowds away, so they can go to the village and buy themselves some food.” Jesus replied, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.” Matthew 14.15-16

Daily Help

  • Don’t get discouraged if you don’t feel like you’re hearing from the Lord. When we are surrendered to the Lord we are asking him to speak his heart to us. Many of us are coming into this fast with specific questions we would like the Lord to answer, and for some of us the Lord may directly answers those questions for us. But for some of us, it’s our heart behind the questions that the Lord may want to speak to us about; and so he may be clearly speaking, but because we’re only looking for answers to specific questions, it may seem He is silent. Trust that the Lord knows you better than yourself, and that he truly knows what you need to hear from Him during this season. Expectancy is life-giving, expectations are deadly!

Day 5 (March 5)

Pray for the pastoral staff and their families

Daily Direction
  • The Twyman family; Travis (our Senior Pastor), his wife Angie, and their 3 kids; Caleb, Levi, and Tallie.
  • The Allen family; Marianne (Pastor), her son, Nate (Nate’s wife, Kerry, and their two sons, Hudson and Owen), and Marianne’s daughter, Melissa.
  • The Cadmes family; Shawn (Pastor), his wife, Kay, and their two kids, Sarah and Josiah.
  • The Jackson family; Bill ‘Jax’ (Pastor), his wife, Betsy, and their 3 kids, Luc, Megan, and John.
  • Luc Jackson (Pastor)
  • It is imperative that as a community we are praying for our leaders. God has brought together a team to lead the Inland Vineyard, and so as a people we want to pray that the Lord bless them.
  • Let us pray for that God would have his way with all the families listed above. Let us pray that God will give each pastor wisdom and humility as they shepherd the flock here at Inland. Pray that by God’s Spirit the pastoral team would be unified more than they ever have before. Pray that God gives them his heart and direction for this local body; that the Good Shepherd would truly lead the shepherds of this church.

Daily Devotion
  • “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” John 10.11

Daily Help
  • Put on your armor. It is the always important for us as disciples, but in seasons like this becomes more obvious that we need to be clothed with the armor of God (Ephesians 6). The Lord declared victory over the enemy at the cross, but we know that the enemy will do what he can to convince us otherwise. Be in the Word (your sword) daily, and let the truth saturate your heart and mind. The Kingdom is advancing, and you are a soldier in God’s army.

Day 4 (March 4)

“Lord, make us a community of love.”

Daily Direction

  • We can’t give away what we don’t have. We are called to love the world around us, but we can’t love the world around us if we are not loving each other. Jesus said the world would know us by our love, and so today we are asking that God would mold us into a community that is known for our love. As we are learning to love one another we are simultaneously being sent out by God to reach our city with his love.
  • The greatest power a group of people has is unity, and it is in the love of the Spirit that Christians are unified. We are crying out for the love of God to invade every part of who we are as a local community. God is love by nature, and we are made in his image; we are called to be the bearers of God’s love to our families, our workplaces, our schools, and our neighborhoods. We are asking the Lord to form us into a people that is defined by love.

Daily Devotion

  • “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May then also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” John 17.20-22

Daily Help

  • Be listening! As we open ourselves up before the Lord we know from Scripture, and experience for many of us, that God is a God who is faithful to speak. As you spend time with him, be open to what he wants to speak to you, and it might be a great idea to keep a notepad to take notes of what God is speaking to you. He may speak things for you personally, he may give you words for other people, and he may give you words for the whole community.