Thursday, February 26, 2009

Day 1 (March 1)

"Holy Spirit, come and fill us up!"

Daily Direction
  • As we begin this season of fasting together we are starting on our knees; declaring our desperation before the Lord. We are declaring as a unified people that Jesus is King and that He is in control. We are crying out for more of His presence in our lives and in the life of the Inland Vineyard.
  • This prayer, "Holy Spirit come", is the founding prayer of the Vineyard movement that started in the early 80's. We are 'getting back to our roots' as part of the Vineyard movement as we humbly ask for more of God's presence in our midst. This prayer is synonymous with the first petition of the Lord's prayer, "Let your Kingdom come."
  • So, on Day 1 of this 40-day fast, let us pray as a community of people that the Holy Spirit would be the center of all we do!
Daily Devotion
  • "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one." Matthew 6.9-13
Daily Help
  • We are called to community, and so it is crucial that you have people supporting you during this time. Whether it's your family, or a couple of close friends, let other people in on your journey so they can be supporting/encouraging you as they are praying for you. There is a battle over a person's commitment to fast, and the enemy doesn't want you entering in; so it's vital to have 'covering' from people in the community.


  1. In preparation of my fast I've asked a bible study group that my wife and I have been going to for years now to watch over me through prayer and encouragement.

    The support and encouragement with just day one behind me and day two half way over is absolutely amazing and is certainly God's way of sending cheer leaders to support my decision to fast.

    I would appreciate the prayer and support of my church family at Vineyard though as I've yet to connect to anyone at that level at my home church.

  2. Hi John :0)

    I am praying for you...for me it is great to be involved as a group...knowing that there are others joined together with a common purpose. And what a privilege to seek HIS will and draw close to HIM! May this season of lent impact both of our lives for eternity!!!!!!!!!



  3. Thanks Joey; much appreciated. I for you as well.
