Thursday, February 26, 2009

Day 3 (March 3)

“Lord, give us your heart for the world.”

Daily Direction
  • Israel (as the Church, we are the new Israel) was called to be a blessing to the nations (Genesis 12.2-3). In pursuing the Father’s heart during this 40-day period, we are longing to know more of who God is. As we see throughout Scripture; God has been out to rescue his children from the grips of death since the very beginning. And so, as his image-bearers, we are asking him to show us his heart for the lost.
  • The Inland Vineyard doesn’t exist by accident; we have been strategically placed in this city to reach the lost with the Gospel! We, along with all the other churches in our area, are God’s ‘light’ in our hometown. We are praying that God would make that reality tangible for us; that we would be stirred up to reach our city and live for the ones who live ‘outside our walls.’
  • We are asking God to give us his heart for the world around us that we might shine like stars in this dark world.

Daily Devotion
  • “Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him.” Isaiah 64.4

Daily Help
  • Drink lots of water! This tip is obviously focused for the people who are doing some sort of a food fast. Keeping your body hydrated during this season is crucial. You are ridding your body of something it is used to being fed, and so keeping ‘everything flowing’ is important during this time.


  1. Thank you so much for organizing this Blog site for us! It's exciting to see how precise and specific God poured the details into your hearts for this site, so that we, His children, would have "united" direction.

    I praise God for you in my prayers!

    Your Sis,
    Maria : )

  2. It's funny... I missed reading day one on day one. So on day two I read both one and two and realized that even though I missed day one that I had still aligned myself with the focus of what the day 1 post covered.

    Today is day three and 2:15 in the afternoon. This is my first time reading and again I find myself already being guided as I prayed this morning at the Metrolink station that my wife and I would be a shining light to the people we come across during our day.

    "We are asking God to give us his heart for the world around us that we might shine like stars in this dark world."

    God is extreme and so extremely awesome!
