Thursday, February 26, 2009

Day 6 (March 6)

Pray for Ministry Leaders

Daily Direction

  • There are amazing men and women leading the ministries here at the church. In time this list is sure to grow as ministries not-yet-in-existence come forth here at the Inland. We are to be praying for the leaders of these ministries and their families in the same way that we prayed yesterday for the pastoral staff.
  • Each ministry has a person, a couple, or a team of people leading it, and so to try and list every person involved in leadership would be impossible. So we have listed the names of the ministries to be lifting up in prayer. Let’s pray that God blesses these current ministries blessing the church, but may we also pray that He rises up future ministries from within our body.
  • Paid Staff (Beth Rowland, Kirk and Linda Harris)
  • Administration ministry
  • Welcome ministry
  • Small Group Ministry
  • Worship ministry
  • Childrens ministry
  • IVY (high school) ministry
  • Midway (junior high) ministry
  • Womens ministry
  • Compassion ministry
  • Missions ministry
  • Prayer ministry
  • Pre-School ministry
  • Let’s pray that God would truly shape each ministry as he has designed them!

Daily Devotion

  • “As evening approached, the disciples came to him and said, “This is a remote place, and it’s already getting late. Send the crowds away, so they can go to the village and buy themselves some food.” Jesus replied, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.” Matthew 14.15-16

Daily Help

  • Don’t get discouraged if you don’t feel like you’re hearing from the Lord. When we are surrendered to the Lord we are asking him to speak his heart to us. Many of us are coming into this fast with specific questions we would like the Lord to answer, and for some of us the Lord may directly answers those questions for us. But for some of us, it’s our heart behind the questions that the Lord may want to speak to us about; and so he may be clearly speaking, but because we’re only looking for answers to specific questions, it may seem He is silent. Trust that the Lord knows you better than yourself, and that he truly knows what you need to hear from Him during this season. Expectancy is life-giving, expectations are deadly!

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