Thursday, February 26, 2009

Day 9 (March 9)

Pray for the marriages in our church

Daily Direction
  • We are a community made up of families, and the enemy hates unified families! And at the head of a family is a marriage, and so today we are lifting up in prayer all the marriages in the church. There is a battle out for the union of a man and a woman in our culture. Statistically, half of marriages nowadays end in divorce, and ‘in the Church’ the numbers aren’t any better.
  • We are crying out as a people that God would come and bless the marriages in our church. Some of our marriages are experiencing life as never before, but still others are working through some rough waters. So, let’s gather as a community and pray that the Kingdom would come to every married couple in our church. Pray for strengthened communication, for greater intimacy, and above all else pray that each spouse would bring out the glory in the other as they themselves are brought to life by the power of the Spirit!

Daily Devotion
  • “As a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so will your God rejoice over you.” Isaiah 62.5

Daily Help
  • Start your times of prayer making declarations and thanks unto the Lord. When we declare something there is power in it. When you get hungry, declare that God is your Sustainer. When your energy is getting low, declare that God is in control and he hasn’t called you to something that He isn’t capable of carrying out. God will stir our faith by reminding of us of this faithfulness in the past. When he shows you his ‘fingerprints’ in past seasons/circumstance of your life, spend time thanking Him for it! It’s amazing the faith that rises up in us when we focus on what God has done and we enjoy the beauty of just sitting in thankfulness before the King.

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