Thursday, February 26, 2009

Day 5 (March 5)

Pray for the pastoral staff and their families

Daily Direction
  • The Twyman family; Travis (our Senior Pastor), his wife Angie, and their 3 kids; Caleb, Levi, and Tallie.
  • The Allen family; Marianne (Pastor), her son, Nate (Nate’s wife, Kerry, and their two sons, Hudson and Owen), and Marianne’s daughter, Melissa.
  • The Cadmes family; Shawn (Pastor), his wife, Kay, and their two kids, Sarah and Josiah.
  • The Jackson family; Bill ‘Jax’ (Pastor), his wife, Betsy, and their 3 kids, Luc, Megan, and John.
  • Luc Jackson (Pastor)
  • It is imperative that as a community we are praying for our leaders. God has brought together a team to lead the Inland Vineyard, and so as a people we want to pray that the Lord bless them.
  • Let us pray for that God would have his way with all the families listed above. Let us pray that God will give each pastor wisdom and humility as they shepherd the flock here at Inland. Pray that by God’s Spirit the pastoral team would be unified more than they ever have before. Pray that God gives them his heart and direction for this local body; that the Good Shepherd would truly lead the shepherds of this church.

Daily Devotion
  • “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” John 10.11

Daily Help
  • Put on your armor. It is the always important for us as disciples, but in seasons like this becomes more obvious that we need to be clothed with the armor of God (Ephesians 6). The Lord declared victory over the enemy at the cross, but we know that the enemy will do what he can to convince us otherwise. Be in the Word (your sword) daily, and let the truth saturate your heart and mind. The Kingdom is advancing, and you are a soldier in God’s army.

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