Thursday, February 26, 2009

Day 10 (March 10)

Pray for the families in our church

Daily Direction

  • We are a community of people made up of families of all different shapes and sizes. Giving up on the nuclear family has become status quo in today’s culture, but we know that the Kingdom has invaded this earth and we are called to fight for families. Just like the marriages in our body we have families that are flourishing and we have families that are fighting just to stay together. God is present in our community, and he is a God who fights for the unity of families.
  • Let’s pray that the Kingdom would truly invade the homes that make our local community here at Inland. Pray for an increased level of communication between parents and their kids. We are community of families, and we are all called to unity so that we may fight for one another. So, on this last day of prayer focused on the Inland Vineyard, we are praying for our foundation; families.

Daily Devotion

  • “And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophecy, your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions.” Joel 2.28

Daily Help

  • Remember that there is a vast difference between ‘being’ and ‘doing’. Sometimes when we seek the Lord for answers on what we should do in a certain situation it seems like he isn’t answering us. But remember that God is longing or an intimate relationship with you; he wants to spend time with you. The battle is to simply ‘be’ when we live in a world that tells us our lives are defined by what we ‘do’. So, if you find yourself frustrated that God isn’t answering your questions about what to do, pause for a moment and be open to the reality that God might be more interested in showing you who you are than showing you what you are to do. Because, in the reality of who we are as image-bearers, what we ‘do’ makes no sense if we don’t know who we are. The ‘doing’ comes naturally from the ‘being’. Let the Lord show you who you are, and you’ll be amazed as you experience the anxiety in your heart turns to peace.

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