Thursday, February 26, 2009

Day 7 (March 7)

Pray for the Elder Board and the Financial Board

Daily Direction
  • There are two boards in operation here at Inland Vineyard. The Elder board plays the role of the ‘pastoral wisdom’ team; they meet with Travis regularly and advise him on pastoral issues as he leads the community here at Inland.
  • The Financial Board is a group of people that also meet with Travis regularly, but they focus on the financial matters of the church. They are the ‘financial wisdom’ team that works to make financial decisions that are in alignment with what the Lord is doing here at Inland.
  • These two boards are vital in the life of this church. They are compiled of people who have years of experience in their area of wisdom, and they are a crucial part of the decision making processes here at our church. The boards fight for integrity in every decision they make, and the enemy hates a church of integrity. And so, consequently, the board members and their families need to be covered in prayer with the same fervor that we pray for our pastors and leaders.

Daily Devotion
  • “And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4.19

Daily Help
  • Remember that fasting is all about grace. The focus is not about ‘keeping to your fast’; as if you have the strength to pull it off by yourself. Know that you are simply responding to God’s grace in your life, and he will give you the grace you need to do what he’s called you to do. A lot of what the Lord teaches us during fasting experiences is that He gives us the grace for today, and that’s all we need. Because this is about grace, and not simply sticking to a legalistic plan, be open to let the Lord guide you day by day as you venture into the beautiful unknown with Him.

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