Thursday, February 26, 2009

Day 8 (March 8)

Pray for the finances of the church

Daily Direction

  • The year of 2008 was a year made up of many moments when we didn’t know if we would make it financially as a community. But here we are, 2009, and we are the living reality that God is faithful and there is ‘no recession in heaven’!
  • We are not ‘out of the woods’ yet, but in the last number of months we have seen an enormous turnaround in the finances here at Church. God has brought incredible people of wisdom alongside the pastoral team to make financial decisions, and to put new checks and balances in place, to really lead this church in a healthy direction financially.
  • On this day, as we pray for the financial situation of our community, we are declaring as a people that God is bigger than an economic shortage. We are not a people defined by the fear of lack of finances, but we are a people of faith, and in declaring that God is Provider we are choosing the path of faith instead of fear! Let’s pray that the storehouses of heaven would be opened, and that there would be the finances to do all the things of the Kingdom that we long to do here at the church. Our world may be trapped by the love of money, but as Christians we know that our citizenship is in heaven, and our treasures abound, and so we can be a people full of joy in a country faced with economic sorrow!

Daily Devotion

  • “Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19.26

Daily Help

  • When it gets hard, remember that you are part of something much larger than yourself. There is a mission, the Kingdom mission, that you are called to play a part in. When you feel like you want to give in, or that this is too hard, remember that you serve a God who is capable of all things! Make sure the people supporting you are there to verbally remind you of the truth of what you’re doing. It’s God that makes this possible, because this is all about His glory. Tell your support team to remind you of the truth of the Kingdom mission when you want to give up and it gets hard; we all need to be reminded at times why we are doing this. Remember, when a person surrenders themselves to the will of the Father they become more threatening to the kingdom of darkness than they have ever been!

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