Monday, March 9, 2009

Day 11 (March 11)

"Lord, let your kingdom break in to Corona/Riverside"

Daily Direction
  • Let us pray that the kingdom of God breaks in to our city in a radical way. We are asking for more of the Lord’s presence in our local community. The Lord is the one who saves, He is the one who comforts; and so we are crying out to the Lord to come show Himself in our city in powerful ways. There are a lot of lost people in our city; we go to work with them, to school with them, and for some of us we live with them under the same roof with them. We are praying that the Lord comes and shows himself to the lost that we come in contact with every day.
  • Lord pour out your Spirit in our city. We want to see you move in ways we’ve never seen before. Would you open up the heavens and show your face in our local community!
  • During this 10-day period we will be focusing on more specific areas of prayer for our city, but today we are simply crying out for an outpouring of the Spirit in the place that we call home!
Daily Devotion
  • "This is the verdict: Light has come into the world..." (John 3.19)

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