Monday, March 9, 2009

Day 13 (March 13)

Pray for our city’s leaders

Daily Direction

  • God is sovereign over our government on the federal, state, and city levels. Today we are praying for the leaders of our city. The Mayor, Steve Nolan, and the City Council have a lot of decisions that they are called to make on a daily basis that dictate what happens in the city that we live.
  • Pray that God would grant wisdom to all of our leaders and that He would guide their decisions. Pray that our leaders would come to know Christ, if they don’t already, and that He would truly reign in the hearts of the men and women in power.
  • Let’s pray that God puts Kingdom people in the lives of our leaders who might influence them in the ways of Jesus. Pray that each leader has people in their lives to support them and to encourage them in their position. Pray that God forms more and more everyday our Council into men and women of incredible integrity!

Daily Devotion

  • “Listen to me, my people; hear me, my nation. The law will go out from me; my justice will become a light to the nations.” (Isaiah 51.4)

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