Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Day 37 (April 6)

Pray for Europe

Daily Direction

  • Europe is home to the Vatican, it has some of the most beautiful cathedrals in the world, and yet Europe has become one of the (if not THE) most secular culture in the world. The amount of people going to Church in Europe declines every year. Pray today for Europe in general that the Gospel of Jesus would penetrate peoples’ hearts and that the Church would rise to the occasion and be the champions of the Truth amidst an oppressive secular mindset.
  • Like America, Europe is experiencing an economic crisis. Much of Europe is experiencing a recession much like we are experiencing in America. Massive corporations are closing which translates into many jobs lost. Pray for the economic crisis in Europe; pray that God raises up political leaders to make wise financial decisions. Pray for the Church that in Europe’s time of crisis they would be there to be the light and bringers of hope as people are desperate and looking for answers.
  • France is a perfect of example of the change in spirituality taking place in modern-day Europe. Islam is on the rise in France (there are currently more than 5 million Muslims in France) while the number of Christian pastors has been cut in half in the last 40 years. In 2005 France celebrated 100 years as a secular nation. With the separation of church and state a mandated foundation of the French state, Islam has had free reign to come in and begin to take over. Over the last few years the Islamic population is gaining more ground in its demands to make the northern part of France controlled by Sharia (Islamic) law. Pray for France today that the Lord’s Kingdom comes in power to this nation.
  • Europe has walked further and further away from Jesus Christ in recent decades; so today as we pray for Europe let’s pray that the Church begins to ignite once again.

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