Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Day 20 (March 20)

Pray for Kingdom power

Daily Direction
  • In the gospels and the book of Acts a model was set forth; God would break into a situation, do something radical (heal a leper, free a person from a demon, love the un-lovable, etc.), and the crowds would be forced to ask what just happened. Today we are praying for an increase of those encounters in our city. We are praying for an increase of God’s power in our area. God is faithful to move, but he calls people to partner with him and be available; so pray today that God would raise us up, and the other believers in our community, to step out in faith as the Lord leads them.
  • The current younger generation (30’s and under) have been labeled ‘postmodern’. One of the key foundations of the postmodern mindset is skepticism. The ‘power’ of God is a foreign concept to most, even most people attending church. Pray that God pours out in Spirit in such a tangible way that the people at Starbucks, at our workplace, and on our campuses are forced to ask ‘What just happened?’
  • “LORD, let your kingdom come!”

Daily Devotion
  • “’If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for him who believes.” (Mark 9.23)

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