Thursday, March 19, 2009

Day 23 (March 23)

Pray for Families

Daily Direction

  • Statistics from different organizations vary, but roughly 45-50% of marriages in our nation end in divorce. We know that God is for families, and clearly the enemy is out to destroy them! So, today we are praying for the families in our nation. Let’s pray today that God intervenes in all the marriages in our nation. With every broken marriage comes a broken family, and so let’s pray that the statistics start to change in America!
  • In 2007, there were 73.9 million children in the United States. With the current divorce rate one can do the numbers; that is a lot of children growing up in split-family situations. Let’s lift up our children in prayer and ask the Lord to truly move in the lives of our young ones.
  • It is said that financial pressure/disagreement is one of the leading causes of divorce in our country, and so it’s consequently one of the leading causes of broken families. Today let’s pray that God changes that! Pray for better communication in the marriages, and also that God’s ‘covenant’ with us as his people would become more and more the mindset as people view marriage. Today we are on our knees fighting for the families that make up our nation!

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