Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Day 35 (April 4)

Pray for Asia/Pacific

Daily Direction
  • Today as we pray for the Asia/Pacific region we are focusing on a few countries. North Korea is one of the remaining communist countries in the world and it is by far one of the most secretive societies on the planet. North Korea’s threat of nuclear weapons, and their refusal to dialogue with most countries, has caused a rift between the nation and most other governments around the world. Pray for the leaders of North Korea that God would intervene in their lives and they would see the evil of their ways. The people of North Korea live in a state of fear so pray that the Gospel would penetrate this nation and the people would come to know the freedom of Christ.
  • China is the world’s most populated country, and one of the most un-reached places in the world. There is an ‘underground’ Church in China that is growing by the day, but China’s Church is also one of the most persecuted in the world. China continually faces scrutiny from multiple governments over their human rights violations which never seem to get dealt with. China is a country riddled with orphans; families prefer sons over daughters, and so girl-orphans are a growing population in the nation.
  • Burma is one of the most war-torn and unknown countries in the world. Burma is home to one of the longest running genocides, spanning decades, and issues between the government and rebel groups multiply every year. Burma is one of the largest exporters of heroin in the world, and so this and many other corrupt practices continue to add to the demise of the nation’s integrity.
  • Today we are praying that God’s kingdom truly breaks into the country of Burma and that the people of Burma come to know Jesus.

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