Thursday, March 19, 2009

Day 21 (March 21)

Let Your Kingdom Come

Daily Direction

  • Today starts our ten-day focus on our home nation, America. We are going before the Lord today with one simple request; “Lord, let your kingdom come and reign in America!” With a new President, a new administration, and a different government than our nation has seen in quite some time, we are asking the Lord today to pour out his Spirit on our nation.
  • The ‘groans’ of creation increase every day, in every nation, and we need the Lord’s presence in our nation more than ever before. So today, with humility and gratitude, we are crying out to the Lord asking Him to show his power more and more here in America. Some folks believe that America was founded as a Christian nation; others don’t hold that belief. But, no matter what side of that argument you find yourself on, what we can all agree on is that we desperately need the presence of the Lord in our United States of America!

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