Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Day 18 (March 18)

Pray for the other churches in our area

Daily Direction
  • Just as there were 12 tribes of Israel, but one Israel, so are there many churches in our city but one Body of Christ! We are a part of a community of churches in our area who are all engaged in the kingdom battle and today we are lifting up our brothers and sisters fighting alongside of us in this city. We have many shapes and sizes of churches; in fact there are many more churches than one might realize in this geographical area.
  • Pray for UNITY! One of the enemy’s greatest tactics against a city is to divide its churches. So today we praying in the opposite spirit; we are praying that more than ever before the churches in this city would unite together as we reach our hometown for the Lord. Pray for church leaders that God would put it on their hearts to somehow connect with other leaders, to fellowship together, to pray together. Unity is powerful, and so let’s prays today that by the Spirit the churches in our area become more united than ever before. And as that happens the darkness is pushed back and the light shines forth! When we see ourselves as different facets of the same kingdom team, instead of competing enterprises, a lot can change!

Daily Devotion
  • “ALL the believers were together…” (Acts 2.44)

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