Monday, March 30, 2009

Day 31 (March 31)

Pray for the worldwide Church

Daily Direction

  • In the Gospel of Matthew we find Jesus proclaiming what we now call The Great Commission. It’s the mission of the Church to GO into the world and make disciples of all nations. The Church is called to reach the ends of the earth with the message of Jesus and His kingdom. So today, we are praying for the Church throughout the world that this reality, THIS mission, would be at the forefront of everything the Church around the world does.
  • In past generations it was the Church in the West (mainly North America and Europe) that was the forerunner in world missions. That has all changed; now it is the Church in South America and Africa sending out more missionaries every year than any other part of the world. Pray today that God would wake up the Church in the West. Statistically, the Western cultures are becoming more and more secular every year; the Church is becoming less and less the voice of the people. Pray that God stirs up the hearts of the Western Church that we would once again be awakened by the mission of the Kingdom.
  • The Church is flourishing in many parts of South America, Africa, and Southeast Asia; these are also the places in the world where the Church knows the most persecution. The ‘persecuted’ Church in these parts of the world is growing rapidly ‘underground’. Pastors and church members have to proclaim the Gospel in secret ways in many of these countries; especially in certain Middle Eastern countries and many parts of China where the governments are completely hostile towards Christianity.
  • Pray that the Kingdom advances in the earth like no time in human history. Pray today that throughout the world The Great Commission would be the focus of every local church on the planet!

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