Thursday, March 19, 2009

Day 24 (March 24)

Pray for the Poor

Daily Direction
  • The ‘poor’ of our nation is increasing by the day as we struggle through the economic situation we find ourselves in here in America. Jobs are being lost all over our nation, houses are being foreclosed on nationwide at alarming rates, and these are only two of the many realities taking place in our country. Today we are crying out to God on behalf of so many in our nation who fall under the economic status of the ‘poor.’
  • In 2007 the poverty rate in America was 12.5%; over 37 million people! The current unemployment rate in our nation is 8.1%. So many families in our country are hurting financially, and so let’s cry out to the Lord for provision. Pray that our government makes wised decisions regarding the economy here in America, and pray that God gives families wisdom to make financial decisions.
  • Pray that the Church rises up in this hour of need to truly be ‘the hands and feet’ of Jesus in our nation. During crisis situations people are looking for answers, and as the Church we know Who people are truly looking for. Pray that the Church in America steps into the forefront of a dire situation and brings the love and hope of Jesus to the poor and destitute in our country.

1 comment:

  1. Blessed is he who has regard for the weak; the LORD delivers him in times of trouble.
    Psalm 41:1
