Thursday, March 19, 2009

Day 22 (March 22)

Pray for the Government

Daily Direction
  • There is a lot of change taking place in our nation. With the election of our new President, Barack Obama, we have embarked as a nation on a new journey. There have been many changes already, and more are set to come. Our community here at Inland fell on both sides of the camp during the election; some voted for Obama, some did not. No matter what our views regarding our new President, we as the people of God are called to pray for our leaders. So, that is what we are doing today.
  • Let’s join in prayer today for our President and ask the Lord to give him wisdom and guidance as he leads our nation. There is clearly a lot of pressure and expectation surrounding Obama. As the first African-American President in our nation’s history there is a lot riding on his presidential campaign. Pray that God would surround him with Christian people who would advise him in the ways of the Kingdom. Pray that he would be a man of ‘Kingdom justice’ as he thinks about the issues for our nation.
  • Pray for the Senate, the House of Representatives, and all the other ‘layers’ of the American government. There are so many positions within our government, and they all play key roles in the leading of our nation. Pray that in every area of our government there would be godly people that Jesus would raise up to be influencers in the decisions made.
  • What happens in America directly influences what happens in certain countries around the world. We are a powerful nation, and more and more everyday people from other nations are calling America their home. Pray that God gives our leaders wisdom as they lead in areas of foreign policy and international relations. Many other cultures around the world don’t separation ‘church and state’ as we do here in America. So, whether or not we may equate America with Christianity; a lot of the world does. So, let’s pray that God truly uses our nation to bring Kingdom justice in the areas we have influence.

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