Monday, March 30, 2009

Day 34 (April 3)

Pray for Africa

Daily Direction

  • Like the Middle East, Africa is a continent riddled with war, genocide, and multiple other atrocities that we could pray about today. We will focus on a few of the issues taking place in Africa today.
  • The nation of Sudan has been in the midst of civil war for over 20 years. A Peace Treaty back by the U.N. was signed between government and rebel leaders, but practically the Treaty hasn’t yet produced peace in the nation. The region of Darfur is the most publicized part of the country; in recent years much attention has been given to the genocide taking place in this region. Pray today for peace, pray today for reconciliation. Pray today for the Church in Sudan that the Lord would given them wisdom and perseverance as they advance the Gospel in this nation.
  • North Africa is predominantly Muslim, and in many places Christianity is completely illegal. There are networks of the underground-Church advancing the Kingdom in North Africa but persecution is frequent and hostile. Pray today for this region that the Christians would have boldness as they risk their lives for the sake of the Gospel.
  • Africa has known war for generations, and today we are praying that Kingdom justice and peace would become reality in this part of the world. Pray that God raises up Christians to take seats in public office that they would lead in the ways of the Kingdom. Pray for the Church in Africa that the Lord would set a fire in their hearts to preach the name of Jesus with a re-awakened passion and zeal.

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