Thursday, March 19, 2009

Day 30 (March 30)

Pray about the human trafficking industry

Daily Direction
  • Yes, human trafficking takes place in America. Human trafficking is an 8 billion dollar business, and the State Department estimates that 145,000-175,000 human trafficking victims are smuggled in each year. There aren’t clear statistics about the percentage of this number that are specifically sex trafficking victims.
  • Today we are praying for freedom; we are praying for end to modern-day slavery. It’s easier to imagine this industry flourishing in other parts of the world, but not here in America. In America this industry is kept hidden from the public, and millions of dollars are exchanged every year to make sure this slave trade industry stays in the shadows of our society.
  • Pray today for the victims, both children and adults, that the freedom of Jesus would become a reality in their lives. Some of the victims are simply kidnapped from their home countries and brought to America. Some are promised a better life here in the ‘The Land of the Free’, and so they leave voluntarily only to end up a slave when they arrive. Some are sold into the sex industry while others are sold into ‘sweat shop’ situations where they are forced to work for nothing or next-to-nothing wages. A common practice of this industry is for the victims to be told that if they do not cooperate their families back home will be murdered.
  • God is a God of justice, He is a God of freedom, and today we are praying that God’s justice is administered and His freedom is realized by all those affected by the slave trade.

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