Monday, March 9, 2009

Day 15 (March 15)

Pray for Education in our area

Daily Direction

  • We have so many schools in our area; from the many pre-schools all the way to the colleges and universities. These schools do more than simply educate people in the subjects of the classes they are taking, but these institutions truly help to shape the lives of those who attend.
  • Let’s pray for all the teachers/professors who are teaching in our schools. Let’s pray that the Lord truly impacts the leaders in the schools and that these places of education are led with the values of the Kingdom. Many teachers/professors have lost their jobs in recent months because of the economy; so let’s pray that God would provide the finances for our education system that no teacher/professor would be left unemployed!
  • Let’s pray for the power of God to truly invade the campuses in our area. Pray that Jesus manifests his presence on each campus in such real and tangible ways; that the lost would be forced to ask who this God is. Pray that our young people would be filled with the Spirit to reach their campuses for Christ and be the love of Jesus to everyone they come in contact with at school.

Daily Devotion

  • “The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.” (Matthew 21.42)

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