Thursday, March 19, 2009

Day 25 (March 25)

Pray for Racial Reconciliation

Daily Direction

  • America is becoming more diverse by the day. We have almost every ‘culture’ on the planet attempting to live together within our nation’s borders. The ‘nations’ have come to us! We know that God created different people groups to display His glory and beauty, but we also know that the enemy wants to pervert the ‘good’ that God intended. Although the Civil Rights movement may have taken place decades ago, racism still divides so many in our country.
  • Let’s pray today that God would come and give people in our nation His eyes to see people from different cultures. God loves the nations, He loves the different peoples He created, and so we are called to love them as He does. Pray that God gives us the eyes to see the diversity in our nation as God’s beautiful intention and the boldness to stand up for that reality!
  • Martin Luther King Jr. once said that the two hours on Sunday morning was the most segregated time of the week in America. The Church is called to stand against racism and the injustice that comes because of it. Pray that God raises up voices in our nation to stand against racism, to stand up for the minority people groups of our country, to stand up for God’s justice. We don’t have to travel the world to visit different cultures; they are represented within our American borders. Today we are praying that God’s view of humanity reigns in the hearts of all who call America home.

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