Monday, March 30, 2009

Day 33 (April 2)

Pray for the Middle East

Daily Direction

  • With every geographical region we pray for there could be endless lists of things to pray for; the Middle East being case and point. So, as we pray for the Kingdom to come to the Middle East today we will try and focus on a few areas and pray into them.
  • The Middle East has known war since the very beginning, literally. Ishmael and Isaac represent the beginnings of the hostility that has continued violently throughout the generations all the way up to the present day. More specifically, the land of Israel has been the most fought-over piece of land in all of human history. Today, the three largest world religions (Christianity, Islam, and Judaism) all claim God-given rights to the land of Israel. Jerusalem (‘the city of peace) is the center of the hostility. Today, as we pray for Israel, we are not praying for one ‘side’ or the ‘other side’. We are praying for peace to reign in the land of our ancestors; we are praying that the Lord’s presence would overwhelm the inhabitants of this land (whether they be Israeli or Pakistani, Christian or Muslim), and that God would raise up men and women to be the light in an area identified with darkness and violence.
  • Again, it’s so hard to focus our prayers on certain countries/issues because we could pray for every issue in every country and not even cover them all.
  • Pray for the Muslims of the Middle East. The religion of Islam began in Saudi Arabia; the prophet Mohamed claims to have had a revelation from God and today Islam is the second largest world religion behind the Christianity. There are stories everyday out of the Middle East of Muslims having dreams where Jesus appears to them and tells them they are deceived and calls them to follow Him. Pray today that more and more Muslims come to know Jesus; pray that more and more Christians follow the Lord’s call to go to the Middle East and spend their lives witnessing to the people trapped in the enemy’s deception known as Islam.
  • Today we are praying for the Middle East. We watch horrific stories on the news everyday about what’s happening in this part of the world. The citizens of countries like Iraq wake up every day to war; most of the children have never known anything but war. Pray that God’s glory is seen in this part of the world like never before.

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