Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Day 16 (March 16)

Pray for Families

Daily Direction
  • Statistically, over 50% of marriages end in divorce these days, which means that there are many broken families here in our city. Today we are praying that the Lord come into homes and heal the brokenness in our families. Whether a family has two parents, four parents, or one parent; all of our families are in need of more of the Lord’s presence within their home.
  • All prayer is an act of warfare against the kingdom of darkness; we are called to pray with authority and claim back in the name of Jesus what the enemy has stolen (Mark 3). The enemy is out to destroy families and so today we are praying against the enemy’s plan and we are praying that the Lord’s presence invades households.
  • The generation gap between parents and youth is growing every year, and so pray that the Lord would restore and strengthen relationships between youth and parents. Pray for the parents of our city that the Lord would fill them with his Spirit; in all the wisdom and guidance of heaven as they raise their children. Pray for the young people that the Lord would meet them where they are at and show them where their true identity lies.

Daily Devotion
  • “They will neither hunger nor thirst, nor will the desert heat or the sun beat upon them. He who has compassion on them will guide them and lead them beside springs of water.” (Isaiah 49.10)

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