Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Day 36 (April 5)

Pray for Central/South America

Daily Direction

  • Our nearest neighbor to the south, Mexico, has been on the news more and more in recent months due to the violence breaking out in the northern part of the county. The drug industry has for years had one its largest home-bases in the nation of Mexico, and the increase of violence due to the drug-wars is increasing. In the city of Tijuana the violence right across the border is causing United States officials to increase security around the borders. Pray today for peace in this nation. Pray that God raises up Christians to take seats in public office and truly influence the nation in a righteous direction.
  • Colombia is another country with a history of drug trafficking, and even more specifically it has been riddled with civil-conflict due to kidnapping and hostage situations inside the country. Bogota, Colombia for years was the most violent city in the world; and with a constantly un-stable government the nation is in constant turmoil. Left-wing guerrilla groups and Colombia’s status as the center of the world cocaine industry keep it a country always on the verge of civil-unrest.
  • Pray for the Church in Central/South America that boldness would fill their hearts and that the zeal to advance the Kingdom would increase. Pray that the suffering and violence that has become normal for many countries would turn people to Jesus as they search for more to life.

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