Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Day 19 (March 19)

Pray for the young people in our city

Daily direction

  • Sociologists are now stretching the category of ‘youth’ to cover people into their mid-twenties. Some have labeled this young generation the ‘fatherless’ generation. No matter what title may be given to our young people, sociologists are in agreement; this generation is searching for their identity. They are searching to define themselves, and so today we are praying that this generation would be radically changed with the reality of Who truly defines them.
  • Many of our young people are growing up without mothers or fathers, and so they are left to search for guidance wherever they can find it. Let’s pray that the Lord brings kingdom people into their lives to guide them in the ways of Jesus. Pray that God would raise up men and women in our churches to reach the young people of our city. Let’s pray for the Church that we would truly equip our young people to be the men and women of the kingdom that they were created to be. If they don’t find their identity in Jesus they will find it somewhere, and we know that anywhere but the arms of Jesus is a dangerous place to be.
  • Pray that God sweeps this generation with his love and our young people are set on fire for the kingdom!

Daily Devotion

  • “When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd.” (Mark 6.34)

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