Thursday, March 19, 2009

Day 28 (March 28)

Pray for the postmodern mindset

Daily Direction
  • This may sound like a peculiar thing to pray for; a mindset. The ‘postmodern’ mindset is the worldview/philosophy that sociologists say defines this current generation. It is a mindset born out of the Enlightenment, and it is the mindset dominating the schools and universities in America. It is a worldview based in humanism; the belief that humans are capable of determining right and wrong according to their own internal strengths. Humanism says there is no need for spiritual or divine revelation; it’s essentially the epitome of human arrogance.
  • The postmodern philosophy stands on the premise that there are many ways to God. The fact that the Church claims Jesus is the only way to the Father; this is absurd to the humanistic worldview. Postmodernism rejects the premise of an Absolute Truth, which is the basis for the Christian faith. This is the mindset permeating most universities in our country. Postmodern preaches tolerance; tolerance to the point that any statement of truth, any statement of moral or ethical content, is seen as arrogant. It’s a mindset that says, “Whatever is good for you is good for you, and whatever is good for me is good for me. But don’t try and tell me that your way is right, because that means that my way is wrong.”
  • This philosophy is evil, plain and simple. It’s the enemy’s strategy to focus people away from God and focus on themselves. This philosophy is a rejection of modernism (the premise of absolute truth), and a re-packaging of the Enlightenment era dating back hundreds of years. Pray today that the truth of Jesus breaks through this mindset and that people find Jesus in their search for meaning. Pray that God would raise up Christians to enter into the ‘intellectual’ world of the universities and battle this mindset where it starts. Pray that God would strengthen our teachers and professors to stand against this mindset in situations where they are forced to teach this philosophy.
  • Pray today for a breakdown of the postmodern mindset, and pray for an increase of the Gospel witness to this young generation.

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