Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Day 40 (April 9)

Thank the Lord!

Daily Direction

  • Well, today is celebration day; the end of the fast! So, today, after 39 days of prayer and petitions before the Lord; today we are celebrating by thanking Him for all He has done. It can be overwhelming concentrating on the overwhelming issues taking place in our world today. The world is so dark, and yet the Light has dawned and Jesus is being glorified throughout the world. Many places the Church is being persecuted at alarming rates, and yet these are the same places the Gospel is advancing with overwhelming force. Today we are thanking God for all he IS doing in our world, and may our hearts of thanks drive us to ask Him for more! We celebrate on Easter/Resurrection Day/Freedom Day the victory won by the cross and the resurrection. Today we celebrate for on the cross Jesus defeated death and three days later He rose bringing new life!

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