Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Day 39 (April 8)

Pray for the end of Human Trafficking

Daily Direction

  • Human trafficking, modern-day slavery, is alive and well all over the world; much to the surprise of most of the Western world. For more on the issue check out www.humantrafficking.org. Depending on the organization the statistics vary a bit, but the estimates are that there the human trafficking industry moves 1-2million people every year around the world. Of those abducted into the slave trade, more than 80% are women and girls, and an estimated 50% are minors.
  • Southeast Asia is the ‘hotspot’ for the sex trafficking industry, and countries like Thailand, Bangladesh, and Cambodia traffic thousands of people every year. The United States plays a part in the industry bringing across our borders upwards of 20,000 women and children every year to be sold into the slave trade within our borders. The European Union estimates that anywhere from 200,000-500,000 women are sold into the sex slave-trade every year in many places in Europe.
  • God is about freedom, and justice; and so today we are praying for the end of the modern-day slave trade. Pray that God raises up more and more people to bring light to this evil industry. Pray that people follow the call of God on their lives to fight against this injustice. Pray for freedom today for the millions of people worldwide caught up as victims in the human-trafficking trade.

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