Thursday, March 19, 2009

Day 29 (March 29)

Pray for abortion in America

Daily Direction

  • Abortion is a hot topic in our nation, and today we are focusing on this issue as we pray for America. There are over a million abortions performed every year in our nation. With every abortion performed, a child of God is stolen from this world. Every person is created in the image of God, and so as we pray that abortion would end we are praying that more of God’s glory would be seen in our world.
  • Pray today for the mother’s who are contemplating an abortion. For some of these women it was their choice to have sex, for others it was something done to them that they couldn’t control. Whatever the situation, every woman is a daughter of the King and is probably scared to death for a lot of reasons. Let’s pray today that Jesus comes and intervenes in the lives of these hurting women. Pray that God places Christians in their lives to show them the love of Jesus that they would see the beautiful life inside them for what it is. Today we are praying for an understanding of life, we are praying for an increased value for life, we are praying that God’s image would no longer be stolen away.
  • Pray today for the doctors that are currently performing abortions. Pray that their eyes would be opened to what they are doing; pray that they would see the embryos as a human life, not an object they can simply discard. Pray that the miracle of life would overwhelm them and that they would see the error of their ways and turn to Jesus.
  • Today we are praying for life!

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