Thursday, March 19, 2009

Day 27 (March 27)

Pray for the Gay Community

Daily Direction

  • The homosexual lifestyle is becoming more and more prominent in America. The Church is called to be a people defined by grace and truth, but according to surveys over the last number of years the gay community has voiced their feeling that the Church hasn’t shown much grace towards their lifestyle. Yes, homosexuality is a sin, and so we stand on that truth, but our call as a Body is to love the person. Today we are praying for the gay community because every person making up this population is a son or daughter of the King, and He is longing for relationship with them. So, let’s pray today that the Lord truly teaches the Church how to love this community with grace and truth.
  • Let’s pray that the Lord would strategically place Christians in the lives of every person in the gay community that Jesus might be shown. Pray that the Lord would bring an awakening to the hearts of the people in this community that they would see this counterfeit lifestyle for what it is. Pray that in their search for intimacy they would encounter Jesus and that their lives would be forever changed. Pray for an increased tension in their hearts; a tension that forces them to ask if they are missing something in their lives. Pray that God brings Christians along their path that could point them to Jesus and be there to love them as Jesus loves them.

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