Thursday, March 19, 2009

Day 26 (March 26)

Pray for the Church in America

Daily Direction
  • Today we are praying for the Church in our nation. The Church is called to be the light in the darkness, and there is plenty of darkness in America. Let’s pray today that Jesus truly ‘wakes up’ the Church in America in a way our nation has never seen before!
  • Pray for unity! There is so much diversity making up the Church in America, and the enemy’s goal is to divide the Body as much as possible. So today we are joining together and praying that the Spirit would unify the Body in this country more than ever before. Pray that God would bring pastors together with the same Kingdom focus in their area. A unified people is powerful, and let’s dream today about what can happen when the Church in America truly starts coming together with one focus; to reach this nation with the Gospel!
  • Pray for the struggling churches. We have some of the largest churches in the world here in America, but we have many more churches struggling just to survive. Let’s pray today that God would bring hope to struggling pastors and their teams.
  • Pray for wisdom and strategy for churches in their geographical area. The Lord has strategically placed every church in every city for a reason. Each church displays a facet of Jesus that the other churches in their area don’t, because the diversity of churches truly shows the diversity of God himself. So pray that each local church would be in tune with what the Father is doing in their body, and pray that the Lord shows the leaders of the churches His strategy for them as they reach out to their area.
  • Pray that the Church in America is set on fire with a passion for Jesus that burns like a wildfire; reaching every part of our nation!

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