Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Day 38 (April 7)

Pray for the Unreached People Groups

Daily Direction

  • Whenever you get the chance, check out www.joshuaproject.net for statistics on the current state of The Great Commission and the task still at hand for the Church in world evangelization.
  • In Genesis 12 God calls Abraham to go into the world to reach the ethne (people groups) with the blessings of God. There are currently over 16,000 people groups in the world, and of this total number there are 6,650 that are still unreached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. After 2,000 years of Church history the task of the Church is still looming. Over 40% of the world’s population (6.64 billion people) has still yet to hear the Good News.
  • Let’s pray today for the Church that all over the world the Body would rise to the occasion and the nations of the world would hear the Gospel. Pray that as the harvest is plentiful that the workers would hear and obey the call of the Lord in their lives to go into the world with the message of Jesus and his Kingdom. Our task as the Church is to reach the nations with the message of the glory of God, and as of today we are not even half-way there.

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